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ethical policy

Ethics are at the core of everything we do at OXIDE. It is not an afterthought or an attempt at good public relations. We started OXIDE. because we wanted to use our creativity to benefit people, communities and the environment. We strongly believe in social responsibility, and in the value that individuals and organisations can make in improving the world.


This statement sets out our ethical policy and what we believe to be good business practice.
No. Good life practice!


Ethics can be a bit slippery, but we feel some good definitions are as follow:

  • the philosophical study of the moral value of human conduct and of the rules and principles that ought to govern it.

  • a social, religious, or civil code of behaviour considered correct, esp that of a particular group, profession, or individual

  • the moral fitness of a decision, course of action.

(as defined by the Collins English Dictionary, Twelfth Edition, 2017)




We believe that we should act in a way that tries to improve things for others, whilst at the same time ensuring no harm comes from our actions.


We aim to work with organisations that try to bring about positive change in the community, and the wider world in which we live. This includes charities, not-for-profit organisations, public sector bodies and individuals. Our main criteria for working with others is whether the main purpose of the organisation or project has social benefit, or whether their traditional stand-point is prepared to make change.


This can be difficult sometimes, as increasingly, companies with poor environmental or social responsibility records, are supporting social projects, with the aim of improving their public image. We feel this is a cynical approach and is usually designed purely to show these companies in a positive light. Eco/ethical/organic/green are buzzwords of the moment, and there is a lot of bandwagon jumping going on. However it is not always clear-cut whether this kind of sponsorship is actually a bad thing; we try to determine whether the project benefit outweighs not being involved at all.




  • We bank with Starling Bank, one of the few UK based online banks with a credible ethical policy.

  • We gain our electricity from Ecotricity.

  • We use recycled or low-impact materials especially for office supplies.

  • We Freecyle equipment that still works, but we no longer need or can use.

  • We purchase as much of our equipment used, in order to reduce the supply chain reliance on new goods.

  • We specify recycled paper stocks for clients.

  • We recycle as much of our waste as physically possible.

  • We buy ethical or fairtrade products.

  • We support like-minded organisations.

  • We are open and honest with our clients and suppliers.

  • We donate to charitable and voluntary organisations who benefit society.

  • We use public transport as much as possible.

  • We support our local Post Office as we think this is a vital community service.

  • We prevent unnecessary waste, by educating clients about efficient and low-impact printing methods.

  • We turn off our computers and equipment at night, and only our security remains active 24/7.

  • We are friendly and tolerant! As well as doing ‘ethical stuff’, it’s important to be nice people as well; we think that is probably the most achievable ethical thing anyone can do!




We won’t act to undermine our ethical aims, nor undertake any work that is illegal or likely to cause offence.


There are organisations who we won’t work with under any circumstances: those involved with animal testing, meat or fur production of any kind, those with questionable human rights or environmental records.


We are fundamentally against free-pitching, a practice which unfortunately still persists in the industry. We think design is an important resource that should be valued and we think it is unfair to ask anyone to work for nothing. Free-pitching debases design and encourages one-off projects, whereas we believe in building relationships for the long-term, so that we can better understand and meet our clients’ needs. Design agencies should be appointed on their credentials, and of course their cost effectiveness. Please don’t ask us to free-pitch.




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